Alternative to <div>
. Basically trying to codify the {} syntax
Inline Syntax via <span>
Good for styling content within a paragraph.
... [ inline content here ]{#id .Style attribute=value } ...
As usual, it’s pretty much the url syntax {}
... [ inline content here ](url){#id .Style attribute=value } ...
This my friend is a [ Cat ]{ .catStyle ] for all season
You can find it at [ here ]( ){ .googleStyle }
You could just also do a normal link [like so]( )
Counter examples
Should this be allowed? For some reason it looks dangerous to allow, but I could be wrong.
( ){.googleStyle}
Possible HTML representation
<a href="">This link</a>
<span id="id" class="class" attribute=value >
<a href="">This link</a>
#Block Syntax via <div>
Quite simply its a block with content in it. Good for “note”, “warnings”, “tips”. Saw it used in the wild, not exactly sure how often however, but it’s out there.
Based on fenced code:
Since fenced code block is:
require 'redcarpet'
markdown ="Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html
then direct eqv is:
spoiler content here
... content of emphasis block ...
{ #id .classOverride }
::: <$className$> : <$HeaderText$> :::
... content of emphasis block ...
{ #id .classOverride }
... content of emphasis block without header ...
{ #id .classOverride }
:::::::::::: Note :::::::::::::::
Please Don't Touch The Cake
:::::::::::: WARNING :::::::::::::
Well... its a warning message.
This block is used to style
a block of text. Using consistent
attribute syntax.
Allowing for handling of multiple
paragraphs too!
{ #id .class }
Possible HTML representation
In class representation, if $Key$ has spaces inside, perhaps just join it.
<div class=" <$className$> " >
... content here...
if no header text given, then key field is assumed to be a header
<div class=" <$className$> " >
... content here...