Semantic features

Markdown can be used efficiently in many places…
For example we can embed little wiki-like features in traditional RDBMS based application:
we can have an ordinary table in which we have text column we can have CommonMark
text which can be formatted. But it is only good for formatting :frowning:

With extension of the CommonMark we can have Semantic Wiki features (see-> and
What I would like to standardize the preferred way we make a link to another entity instance.
e.g.: [[#{table name}}:#{Unique code of instance}]]

And extending our parser we can extract these information creating relations.

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Here’s an inspiring releated reflection:

@Pal_Petho: Do you have some concrete examples of how you would want it structured?

@Jonas: in an R&D project we implemented a framework solution in which in an ordinary column of an ordinary RDBMS text column (i.e.: nvarchar data type in SQL Server) we could have link
to other instance of an ordinary table (which must have a PrimaryKey, or even Unique Key).

Let’s suppose we have a Master Data table called “Product”, which contains instances of products identified by an Columns which contains UniqueItemId string (e.g.: 1P4L-0014).

We can have another ordinary table called “A”, which contains an ordinary text column called
e.g.: “X” from which we can refer to this instance with:

Customizing the Markdown parser with this relation we have established a “soft” “foreign”
key between A.X -> Product.

This relationship is a many - to -many relationship, because in a markdown column we can have
more links to another instances to Products. (And from another instance of “A” table in the “X” column we can refer to the same “1P4L-0014” product.)

And because we had a meta-repository describing that e.g. from the “A” table “X” columns we
can have a relation to Product, we could have a specific meaning for that relation. Similarly
to the RDBMS standard Foreign Key has a specific “Type” for a relation.

A Matrix chatroom was created yesterday to specifically discuss semantic markdown: