According to CommonMark specification:
Type | Main Syntax | Alternative Syntax | HTML |
Italic | *Italic* | _Italic_ | Italic |
Bold | **Bold** | __Bold__ | Bold |
While the main syntax seems to me reasonably intuitive, the alternative syntax is not.
IMHO, underscore is more related to underline and/or subscript than to italics.
Moreover, underline, subscripts and superscripts are not in the specification, although they are used with certain frequency (probably as much or more than strikethrough).
Therefore, a new specification might be the following:
Type | Main Syntax | Alternative Syntax | HTML |
Italic | *Italic* | Italic | |
Bold | **Bold** | Bold | |
Underline | __Underline__ | Underline | |
Subscript | CO_2 | H_2_O , one_two three_ | CO2, H2O, onetwo three |
Superscript | 19^th century | sample^multiple words^ | 19th century, samplemultiple words |
What are your thoughts on that?