Some thoughts on CommonMark Syntax

According to CommonMark specification:


Type Main Syntax Alternative Syntax HTML
Italic *Italic* _Italic_ Italic
Bold **Bold** __Bold__ Bold


While the main syntax seems to me reasonably intuitive, the alternative syntax is not.
IMHO, underscore is more related to underline and/or subscript than to italics.


Moreover, underline, subscripts and superscripts are not in the specification, although they are used with certain frequency (probably as much or more than strikethrough).
Therefore, a new specification might be the following:


Type Main Syntax Alternative Syntax HTML
Italic *Italic* Italic
Bold **Bold** Bold
Underline __Underline__ Underline
Subscript CO_2 H_2_O , one_two three_ CO2, H2O, onetwo three
Superscript 19^th century sample^multiple words^ 19th century, samplemultiple words


What are your thoughts on that?

The underline syntax proposed here would clash with the existing Markdown syntax for strong emphasis. Since the goal of CommonMark is to be highly compatible, changing the syntax in such a fundamental way isn’t really an option. Related discussion about adding underline support to CommonMark.

For sub/superscript, there’s a good discussion with syntax proposals in this topic.

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