Move to different authority after v1.0?

At the start of this standardization project, several people were involved and contributed enthusiastically. As the specification matured, @jgm became essentially the only contributor to advance it further, except for some volunteers who cared deeply about a certain issue or another.

New releases have become less and less frequent in the last couple of years after just a handful of remaining issue needing to be solved before the first major release had been identified. Let’s assume these actually get sorted out one day soon, how do we proceed from there? For instance:

  • Do we expect CM 1.0 to be stable forever, maybe with only some minor 1.0.x errata being published over time?
  • Should popular, backwards-compatible extensions be incorporated into the main standard in 1.x releases?
  • Is it desirable to consider a partially incompatible v2 – perhaps based on Djot – that fixes the fundamental issues some see with MD?
  • Who will continue this work if @jgm isn’t willing or able to do so at some point in the future? Would it make sense to hand it over to a more established organization like W3C, WHATWG, IETF, ECMA or why not even ISO?
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Also, how is it that @jgm and I have never met? We’re almost literally neighbors, I’m in Alameda CA and @jgm you are in Berkeley?

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