Made this npm package quickmathjs - npm which allows for free-form plaintext style calculation. In the CLI mode I’ve also added a flag to allow for reading though a commonmark document for blockquoted maths and recalculates the results for it. I think this might be of interest to this community as there may be some application for having instant calculation as a discussion tool (as an extension of course).
So if you run npx quickmathsjs --sections path/to/your/
on a file like below
# Kibble Calc
This calcs how much kibble we need to buy
CatCount = 4
KibblePerCat = 4
TotalKibble = CatCount * KibblePerCat
= ?
It would be automatically be recalculated and written as
# Kibble Calc
This calcs how much kibble we need to buy
CatCount = 4
KibblePerCat = 4
TotalKibble = CatCount * KibblePerCat
= 16
If you are interested in playing with just the math syntax Quick MathsJS - WebCalc give it a shot as I am curious to see how easy it is for people to figure it out and how natural you think such presentation looks.
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