Is there an easy readable list of the things commonmark supports?

Is there an easy readable list of the things commonmark supports? I see the stuff on the wiki page but it makes it sound like there’s other stuff, too, but Google just gives me a lot of noise noise noise and no signal when I try to look for it.

I mean stuff like how === makes a header or [] does a link and stuff like that.

Your best bet is the spec.
The table of contents gives you a list; you can click on each item for more details.

If you want a simple tutorial for beginners, try

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That markdown tutorial is what I wanted thanks!

I looked at the spec pages but that’s longer than some of the books I’ve read. And the coloring is really distracting.

It looks like the stuff is the same that’s on the wiki but I would love to get the tables. I guess there are plugins for that though? I’ll guess I’ll have to try one.
