I stumbled over the description of inline lists in this LaTeX wikibook. I noticed two things:
Inline lists
Coco likes fruit. Her favorites are: a) bananas, b) apples, c) oranges and d) lemons. Lorem ipsum dolor etc. etc.
I really like inline lists. But they suck if the list symbols (or text) is not propperly styled. I’m not sure that they are used a lot, but i think they should be used more. Probably the usage is infrequent because it is relatively difficult to create such an inline list in programs like Word or Writer. Adittionally HTML presupposes that a list is a block-level element.
I still don’t know how one would solve the markdown for this. However, simply surrounding it with brackets might work inline. If you still want trailing or surrounding brackets, just double them:
(-) bananas, (-) apples, (-) oranges and (-) lemons
(*) bananas, (*) apples, (*) oranges and (*) lemons
(+) bananas, (+) apples, (+) oranges and (+) lemons
(1.) bananas, (2.) apples, (3.) oranges and (4.) lemons
(i.) bananas, (ii.) apples, (iii.) oranges and (iv.) lemons
(1)) bananas, (2)) apples, (3)) oranges and (4)) lemons
The problem is that it would not be clear where the last item ends. A finishing symbol like (/)
would be the only solution i could think of. This (of course) makes them a lot less beautifull to write
Maybe this would be a candidate for a generic syntax like this:
Coco likes fruit. Her favorites are: !inline-list[(a) bananas, (b) apples, (c) oranges and (d) lemons]. Lorem ipsum dolor etc. etc.
Definition lists
Firstly, lists with names instead of bullets:
ant really busy all the time
chimp likes bananas
alligator very dangerous animal, ...
That made me think that the definition lists should probably be used this way.
For Commonmark it should probably be possible to have in the same line as the item they define, since the common usage with leading :
in the next line would be very bulky in many cases.
I do see frequent usage here, e.g. a list of medical stages or grades of some disease (example is made up entirely). I think it would not be adequate to use a table in this case.
stage I°: no treatment required
intermediary stage: treat symptoms
stage II°: terminally ill