CommonMark should have a philosophy

There should be a Markdown document living under the CommonMark GitHub account that outlines the philosophy of this project. If it is really meant to be an effort to ensure a strong future for Markdown then it should be able to explain what that all means in plain english. The philosophy project should also be subject to contributions or at the least the discussion of therein.

(I seemingly can’t link to the GitHub page)


i am building a competitor to markdown, and i, too,
believe that it is very important to give the philosophy:

beyond markdown — part 1. it’s time for the next step | by bowerbird | the bower | Medium


Here is a quote that I posted, which I think applies here

What do you feel on does not explain the philosophy?

I would not say that the page does not clearly state its objectives. It all makes sense to me from the point of view of a programmer who has prior knowledge of the history of Markdown.

Rather I think I mean that if this project did start to become “de-facto” it could start to distance itself from the original intent of Markdown. I worry a little about the potential for new-comers to arrive here first before all else and not receive messages like “Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible. Readability, however, is emphasized above all else.”.

I’m not necessarily saying that if you don’t do this you are committing an error. More-so that it could help ensure that conversations keep in mind that Markdown is about writing more than programming. Though, I understand that this is a programmers world and that I may be in the minority in thinking that Markdown is for more than programmers.

I also understand that if it did start to appeal to a greater audience that a new branch could emerge that catered to those folks…

Just trying to lookout for what I think has a lot of potential I suppose. I don’t mean to seem like I’m policing this effort, apologies if it comes across that way.

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