Can I Use __ ? Markdown Version (w/ CommonMark)

FYI: To follow the HTML model I’ve started a Can I Use ___ ? version for Markdown e.g. Can I Use tables, footnotes, heading ids, citations, etc.

To get started I’ve included four major markdown flavors, that is:

  • Pandoc’s Markdown

  • CommonMark

  • kramdown

  • GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)

    See an example page e.g. “Can I Use Heading Attributes?”. More extensions will get added over the next couple of days.Questions? Comments? Welcome. Cheers.

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This looks useful. But, since you’re using some text from the pandoc README (e.g. in the description of footnote syntax), you should attribute these.


Hello, it’s just getting started and I will - of course - add proper attribution for pandoc and John MacFarlane and add the pandoc license etc. Every page has pandoc included in the converter compatibility table and I will link back to the section in pandoc README (once I find the anchor links and time;-) - It’s all just a volunteer effort for helping the markdown familiy along. Thanks again for your great work on Pandoc, CommonMark and - of course - the outstanding README documentation on extensions. Keep it up. Cheers.

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This project seems to have moved:

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Thanks for posting the updated links. Yes, the project moved from manuscripts to mundimark (on github). Looks like it’s not possible to edit older posts (to fix the broken link, sorry). Cheers. Prost.

I’ve updated the original link for you @geraldb .

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