ANN: CommonMark 0.28, cmark 0.28.0, commonmark.js 0.28.1

The spec has been updated to 0.28:

A list of changes is available here:

New versions of cmark, the C reference implementation, and commonmark.js, the JavaScript reference implementation, have also been released:

Thanks to all who contributed, and especially to Yuki Izumi, Aidan Woods, Matthias Geier for their contributions to the spec; Phil Turnbull, Yuki Izumi, Nick Wellnhofer, Kevin Wojniak, Martin Mitáš, Azamat H. Hackimov for their contributions to cmark; and Erik Edrosa, muji, and Colin O’Dell for their contributions to commonmark.js.

Note that, thanks to Phil Turnbull, cmark has been included in Google’s oss-fuzz project for continuous fuzzing. Several bugs have been identified by the fuzzer and fixed.


With this release, I have also transferred the repositories for CommonMark (the spec), cmark (the C implementation), commonmark.js (the JavaScript implementation), and CommonMark-site (the website for the spec) to the CommonMark org on GitHub. The repositories are still accessible via redirection at the old jgm/ locations.


On GitHub, the people tab says “This organization has no public members.” It might be worth displaying some people in the GitHub organisation there so that people browsing GitHub know who is responsible for the project.

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