Proposing a Macro standard for Markdown

I am working on a narrative to state the case for how Macros should be implemented in Markdown. Any feedback or contributions are welcome!

The current best practice is to express macros in code sections to trigger rewriting of the AST on execution of this sections. Have a look for instance at or

Thanks for the info! I think my main point is that it’s better off for Marcos to be arbitrary blocks of text that the browser eventually deals with. Treat the Macro text the same as a paragraph. This way Macros are encouraged to be written in human readable formats. It also ends up helping a lot with search-ability. Plus you let the browser do all the hard work!

Though after a lot of thinking I have come to the conclusion that nothing can ever really be “added” to Markdown without Gruber’s approval. GFM has a sort of approval, so their additions should hold weight. I can live with that, it is just how people think. For now I am just going to write about the idea and build up the case here