Generally, I use:
for inline equations and -
for block equations
The addition of the { and } delimiters has three advantages:
- reduces ambiguities wrt other inline use of dollars, e.g: 100$ on that site and 150$ on the other
- keeps asimmetry among opening and closing delimiters, so that it is possible to automatically exclude pending delimiters to avoid errors or to perform massive substitutions with other delimiters
- it is still compatible with latex: indeed opening and closing {} are hidden by latex processors as superfluous symbols (but they are not in the meta language!), so it is back compatible with other solutions.
Anyway, in order to have the point 1 fulfilled, the parser has to be aware of the delimiters including {}
I would like having this choice available in future CommonMark + Latex implementations.
Thanks and regards,
Netsaver, Rome (IT)