Internal references (anchors) with multiple types

This appears to be better off as a generic extension

@name[content](arg){#myId .myClass key=val key2="val 2"}

@@@name[content](arg){#myId .myClass key=val key2="val 2"}
      \*Content to pass to extension*\

For consistency, with . Note that we refer to id based anchors in {} as {#id} not {id}

!mediaType[description](url){#myId .myClass key=val key2="val 2"}
  • assumed to be image if mediaType left blank

So therefore:

 Singular figure:
 @figure[ ![A voyage to the moon](moon.jpg) ]{ #themoon }
 Block figure:
 @@@figure{ #themoon }
    ![A voyage to the moon](moon.jpg)

 This links to the figure:
 @figure( #themoon )

Where @figure( #themoon ) prints out the current figure name/number .

Or if we are adopting multiple levels of specification Optional syntax

We could use your suggested syntax (fixed for consistancy with other threads)

![A voyage to the moon](moon.jpg){#fig:themoon}
[This figure](#fig:themoon)

But make it part of CommonMark Scholar Extension

BTW: Do you know that HTML now supports a figure tag & figure caption tag?

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