scope: simple no frill container of text with simple markups
- Simple documentation
- Simple Resumes
- Application specific files
- Internal text (e.g. text in a game)
- Wiki (backups of wikis)
- Static Site Generators (like Jekyll)
scope: relatively more complicated but more capable as a stand alone single document with embedded/linked stylesheet
- Stand alone resume
- Invoice
- Orders
- Forms
- email backup without attachments (or at least encoded in base 64)
scope: A full document container ( a website in a box ), capable of being displayed in many formats, e.g. pdf/html/mobile/etc…
- Portafolio
- eBooks
- Articles with images
- Ezines
- Instruction Manuals
- Choose your adventure stories
- documented codes
- E.g. code documentations in research, where python snippets are stored in the /code/ folder
- manpage
- An email backup along with it’s attachments and metadata