Block Directives


  • Creating form inputs: Introducing markdown extensions for form input

  • Generating plots and bargraphs, etc… !plot( y=3x+2 )

  • Dynamically Updated Table of Contents !TOC

  • Embedding video !youtube[ cats ]

  • Metadata

  • Printing page directives (e.g. splitting pages) !pagesplit

  • Generating output from a code snippet !eval( print "hello world")

  • Evaluating a maths input !calc[ 1+1= ]

  • Generating a table from remote source !table(data.csv)

  • Including external commonmark files (e.g. compiling a book or report) !include(

  • Generating QR codes !QRcode[google](

  • Including the first generic clipart found: !clipart[ cat dancing ]( optional image url )

  • Image macro generator (Very useful for sight impaired readers):
    !imagemacro[Of all the front yards in all the world][The cat walks into mine](Noir Dog)

  • Css overrides (block example): !css: .underline{ text-decoration: underline; }

  • Text To Speech section: !speak[ I **stress** that you should really follow the following diagrams shown below ]{ pointToID="#diagram" }

  • In a slideshow, these text is hidden from view, but is spoken out loud. Can view speech in transcription window.

  • In html view, it is shown as a collated transcription under each header. Expandable as needed, with maybe a button to listen.

  • In print view, it is seen as a speech box.

  • This is good when writing educational material, e.g. lecturers.

  • Document declaration (block directive) !CommonMark::

    !CommonMark: 0.1.23-github.username.projectname
    Title: Title for the top bar of any browser
    Date: 32-4-2002

  • etc…