The inevitable "MarkdownExtra" topic

Ah, okay. I need to read more. :blush: OTOH (!) it doesn’t appear that Standard Markdown (at § 4.7) quite supplies the same possibility as MardkownExtra. For example, in StdMd this Md > HTML is possible:

## [My Title][mt]
[mt]: /title "name"

to produce:

<h2><a href="/title" title="name">My Title</a></h2>

But I can’t see a way of producing:

<h2 id="name">My Title</h2>

which is the type of name/anchor markup used in the Standard Markdown link above, for example. It would be good to have both, of course. The difference between them is the the latter doesn’t need to have a bogus link, and get marked up as <a href="#">...</a> text, of course.

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